Over the decades the way that society sees and interacts with the scientific community has shifted. With the onset of the internet, social media, and the direct impacts that science has had on the lives of all of us, the way that we interact with research and innovation has never been so direct.
Therefore it is now more important than ever that the scientific community builds links and bridges with all factions of society, and brings to light the importance of the democratisation and socialisation of research and innovation, through the practices of open science, responsible research and innovation, and, of course, citizen science.

In our latest Step Change Conversation, we speak with Wiebe E. Bijker, Professor of Technology and Society at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim and Professor emeritus at Maastricht University, as well as a member of the Step Change Advisory Board. Whose research and teaching focus on the role of science and technology in modern societies and forms of governance to democratize society, science, and technology.
In this conversation, we talk about :
- The evolution of the “social contract” between science and society and how this relates to socialisation and democratisation of science.
- The current and future roles of Open Science, Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), and Citizen Science in research.
- And the promotion of more responsible practices within research as a whole.
Watch the full conversation below:
A huge thank you to Wiebe, for joining us for this fantastic conversation, and for all your contributions to the Step Change Project.