All of us at the Step Change Project are hoping you all are enjoying the height of summer, and that you are taking a little time off over the next few weeks to enjoy the warmer weather and the longer days! For July’s Citizen Scientist of the Month, we are shining a warm ray of light on Zuzana Kalmarova, a citizen scientist and friend who is working alongside our partners at the NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre, on our Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) CSI.
Learn a little more about Zuzana…
I think I am a student for a lifetime. I really loved maths and science when I was a child. Unfortunately, I could not pursue that path and ended up with a degree in economics. Recently I started to rediscover my old passion through self-study and I am hooked. I am sincerely grateful to all who share their knowledge through books, courses, projects, and citizen scientist initiatives…
- Where am I from: Bratislava, Slovakia.
- Role within the CSI: Citizen scientist.
- Areas of interest: Too many… maths, science, reading, nature walks, traveling, history, cooking, yoga, swimming…
- My science role model: Marie Curie. I admire her perseverance, dedication to science, humbleness, and courage.
- My biggest dream: To make a contribution to science that will enhance our understanding and make the world a better place.
- My favourite recipe: I love to cook, but I don’t have a favourite recipe. I look at different recipes for inspiration, but I usually experiment and don’t follow any particular recipe. I usually don’t make the same dish the same way twice.

Why did you decide to take part in this initiative on Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)?
I was attracted by the possibility to do science, to participate in a real scientific study without the need for a science degree. I am also very much interested in health and well-being and the impact of lifestyle interventions on diseases. Thus I am also curious what the outcome of this study will be.
What did you know about Citizen Science before you started working for StepChange?
I have learned about citizen science from Quark, a magazine for popularizing science in Slovakia. Once I read the article, I started to look for projects and I chose NAFLD, so this is my first engagement with citizen science.
Would you participate again in such an initiative, and if so why?
I would like to participate again, I would like to learn more and contribute to meaningful projects.
Thank you again to Zuzana for all the great work you do for the StepChange project, and for helping our friends in Oxford!
Check back with us in August for our next Citizen Scientist of the Month.
Do you want to take part in the project as a citizen scientist and join our UK Citizen Science Initiative? Or if you would like to learn more about the project, do not hesitate to reach out to us and send us a message via the form below. A member of our research team will get in touch with you. Or click here for more information.